Impact Litigation

impact litigation

PLS maintains an active litigation docket in state and federal courts, challenging severe and/or systemic violations of the rights of those incarcerated and their loved ones. Because of our limited resources, we focus our litigation efforts on systemic impact litigation to bring relief to the greatest number of people possible.

Below are the cases on our current docket:

Foster, et al. v. Mici, et al.
(Conditions of Confinement & Medical Care)

Battle, et al. v. Sheriff, Bristol County
(Segregation & Mental Health Care)

Briggs, et al. v. Department of Correction, et al.
(Disability Discrimination & Medical Care)

Diggs v. Mici

Converse v. Massachusetts Department of Correction, et al
(Brutality & Mental Health Care)

Jane Doe, guardian of John Doe v. Luis Spencer, et al.
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

John Does 1-10 v. Commissioner of Correction, et al. 
(Medical Care & Conditions of Confinement)

Linsenmeir v. Springfield Police Department
(Medical Care)

Lyons, et al. v. Commissioner of Correction & Stote, et al. v. Commissioner of Correction
(Conditions of Confinement)

Minich v. Spencer, II
(Medical & Mental Health & Segregation)

Pearson v. Hodgson
(Conditions of Confinement)

Petition Seeking Relief from Unjust and Unreasonable Cost of Collect Telephone Calls from Prisoners
(Conditions of Confinement)

Cantell v. Commissioner of Correction

Paszko v. Commissioner of Correction
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Roberio v. Chair, Massachusetts Parole Board 

Medical Parole Cases

PLS has filed several cases challenging the Commissioner’s denial of medical parole. They are described below:

Casey v. Mici, et al.

Emma v. Mici, et al.

Luce v. Mici, et al

St. Germain v. Mici

Smith v. Mici

Crowell v. Massachusetts Parole Board
(Conditions of Confinement)

Notable Past Cases:

Dinkins and Ivy v. Massachusetts Parole Board

Ferreira v. Spencer 
(Classification & Parole)

Crowell v. Massachusetts Parole Board
(Conditions of Confinement)

Ahearn v. Vose
(Conditions of Confinement)

Does v. Patrick
(Conditions of Confinement)

Nathanson v Commissioner of Correction
(Conditions of Confinement)

Souza v. Hodgson
(Conditions of Confinement)

Burns v. UMass Correctional Health Program
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Nunes v. UMass Correctional Health
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Pappargeris v. MHM Correctional Services, Inc.
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Porter v. Sheriff, Middlesex County
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Disability Law Center v. Commissioner of Correction

LaChance v. Commissioner

PETA v. Department of Agricultural Resources
(Staff Assaults)

Robinson v Grocki
(Staff Assaults)

Archer v. Chairman, Massachusetts Parole Board
(Classification & Parole)

Bentley v. Sheriff, Essex County
(Conditions of Confinement)

Kelley v Hodgson
(Conditions of Confinement)

Richardson v. Sheriff, Middlesex County
(Conditions of Confinement)

Disability Law Center v. Commissioner of Correction
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Minich v Spencer
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Reaves v. Department of Correction
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Souza v. Hodgson
(Medical & Mental Health Care)

Ivey v. Spencer

Couchon v. Sheriff, Essex County
(Staff Assaults)

Nascarella v. Cousins
(Staff Assaults)

Porter v. Sheriff, Middlesex County
(Staff Assaults)

Weymouth v Cousins
(Staff Assaults)


50 Federal St., 4th Floor, Boston MA 02110